One of my papers is finally published after a year-long review process! Its title is

Impact of Dynamics on The Accuracies of Different Experimental Data Processing Methods for Steady-state Heat Transfer Rate Measurement

which discusses the difference of assumptions, accuracy and uncertainty of a calculation of the steady-state heat transfer rate of a heat exchanger between

  • averaging the temperature, mass flow rate and pressure measurement first before calculating the steady-state heat transfer rate, and
  • calculating the instantaneous heat transfer rate first before averaging them to for the steady-state heat transfer rate

It also discusses what will happen if we have a periodically changing operating conditions and if integration can help to reduce the uncertainty of the analysis. It should serve the thermal system community on its laboratory measurement methods pretty well! Unfortunately, the publisher does not allow pre-print archive, so I cannot upload it here. Please go check it out if you’re interested in it at the publisher’s website or its mobile version.